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Don't Worry, Murray! : a child's guide to help overcome worries ISBN: 9781800070158
Adams, Anna and Vlitos, Josiane
Published by Summersdale, 2021
Murray, the little sausage dog, is worried. He is to start a new school tomorrow, and he is afraid the school is so big and noisy that no one will want to play with him and think he's silly. He has begun to shake and thinks 'the worry has taken over my body'. His friend, Hoots the owl, is reassuring and says he will help him get rid of the worries by taking him 'over the Worry Hill'. Murry still feels 'fluttery' when they get to the hill, but Hoots shows him the first signpost: 'Imagine meeting smiley new friends.' As they walk further up the hill, there are other signposts along the way, all of which they perform, and, gradually, Murray begins to feel better. At the top of the hill, the signpost tells them to 'Talk to your worry', which Murray does, and the worry, a small dark cloud over his head, is very sensible and asks good question of Murray before it disappears with a 'pop'. Soon Murry is ready to run down the hill to school, but there is one last signpost ahead - a post box with a list of all the things he has learned on the Worry Hill - 'Murry's Worry-Busting Plan - something that will help him if other worries come along. He's now ready for the new school. This way of helping children with mental health problems is a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) concept, and this, as well as the jolly pictures that show clearly Murray's problems, make for a picture book that parents and carers can learn from as well as children. An asset for both school and home.
Age: 5+