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'They never want to tell you' - children talk about cancer ISBN: 9780674883703
Bearison, David J.
Published by Harvard University Press, 1991
Dr Bearison is a developmental psychologist and psychotherapist; his study has to do with children's own reactions to their cancer. There are eight narratives, told by the children themselves. Many of these are by teenagers, and some are clearly from mature teenagers and not helpful to our age range. Being American, the narratives have a different 'voice', but the concerns are the same. After the narratives, Dr Bearison explores comon themes: why me, God and prayer, fears about having cancer, losing your hair, advice for others who have cancer, etc. - and these all use extensive quotes from children themselves. Dr Bearison's clinical approach, explained in the introduction, is sensitive and helpful to adults, but the strength of the book for children's needs is in the narratives. Be selective.
Age: 10+