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Is it because? ISBN: 9781842702963
Ross, Tony
Published by Andersen Press, 2004
A sophisticated and unusual approach to bullying. The little boy is reflecting with his dog, Pepe, about why Peregrine Ffrogg feels he has to bully him. Some of the possible reasons are daft and some serious, but he is really trying to discover why Peregrine is so obnoxious: ...'Is it because he's got silly names? Is is because he's not good at games?' But this lad has good levels of self-esteem, and at the end of the story he realises, 'Perhaps it's because...- I think I can see -...perhaps it's because he'd rather be me'. And we see the little boy surrounded by friends and his dog. Ross's wonderfully expressive comic illustrations show us very plainly Peregrine's problems. Super!
Age: 6+