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Facing Mighty Fears About Throwing Up ISBN: 9781787759251
Huebner, Dawn and Stevens, Liza
Published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2022
This is one in a series of excellent books aimed directly at children who have specific problems with serious anxiety. Written by a Clinical Psychologist, specialising in childhood anxiety, it has lots of good information but also humour, particularly in the black and white drawings on each page and the integrated text in different fonts. The little 'fun boxes' have lots of good information too, including the fact that a number of animals vomit quite often for good reasons having nothing to do with fear. There are a huge number of words that mean the same thing as throwing up, and kids will have a laugh at these. Being fearful about having bouts of sickness is unusual, but also quite frightening, so this will supply much needed support. It begins by explaining the different ways the body has of expelling things it doesn't need, only one of which is by vomiting. It goes on to tell us that many people who have this problem will try to stop thinking about it; this is wrong because the best way to handle it is to think about it as much as possible and then to follow a three point exercise regime: 1. Find your favourite word for throwing up and use it lots - in poems or raps, or making a poster, etc, or just in repeating it lots of times; choose another word and do the same. 2. When you get 'sick' of that (sorry) go on to to repeating a phrase over and over again: 'If I get sick, I get sick and then I'll feel better'. Write it down numerous times too until you begin to believe it. 3. Challenge yourself to do the things you avoid because you think they might make you sick. This could be something like gradually making yourself wear the clothes you wore when you were sick, or eating the food you ate, or going to the places you were sick. Take them one at a time and gradually build up each thing. There is plenty of reassurance which will help enormously, and altogether this is a really useful and clear set of instructions and support that will help. There is also lots of good help for parents who are using the book with their child - advice on use, lists of organisations, books for kids and parents too, and web-based resources. Available from book shops, from Amazon and Hive, and from the publisher,
Age: 5+