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The Problem with Problems ISBN: 9781783448715
Hicks, Zehra and Rooney, Rachel
Published by Andersen Press, 2020
‘Problems are creatures’ says the first sentence in this picture book. And so they are here – big ones, little ones, furry ones and hairy ones. Some are difficult, some less so, and you can find them in all sorts of places. You can treat the smaller ones by ignoring them or relaxing and giving the problem a name. But the bigger ones take rather more effort: ‘Problems breed Problems. Please keep them apart. Don’t feed them. Don’t pet them. Don’t take them to heart.’ The ultimate answer is to talk to someone about any problem you have, whether big or small. They hate to be shared, we are told, so telling a friend or a parent or a grandparent will help. The illustrations are great fun and full of irrepressive humour, which makes the idea of fears and worries lighter-hearted. Playful and merry!
Age: 5+