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Fly, Chick, Fly! ISBN: 9781849393447
Ross, Tony and Willis, Jeanne
Published by Andersen Press, 2012
This duo of author/illustrator come up with winners constantly, and this is certainly no exception. Three little owls in a nest, fed and loved by their parents, learn to fly one by one, except for the youngest. She refuses to try and gives as her reasons that 'the crow might get me...the rain might wet me...a train might hit me'. Mum and dad insist and she finally takes off flapping, flipping and flopping - and flies! She is glad she did, because next spring she has her own little chick to look after and love. The beautiful illustrations, full of soft colour, a strong sense of the seasons and the beauty of the countryside are matched perfectly by lyrical language, sometimes poetical, always rhythmical. A book to treasure.
Age: 3+