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Mouth and Tongue Let's Have Some Fun! ISBN: 9781849051613
Hopper, Karina and MacDonald, Lisa
Published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2011
This little book has a definite purpose. The author found when her children were showing signs of delayed speech that there were no resources available to help. So she has written one. We meet Sam and his tongue, known as Timmy, and they show us how to exercise the muscles of mouth and tongue. The black and white line drawings are simple and fun and could be coloured in with crayon or felt tip pens; more importantly, they show clearly the intended exercises. Children will enjoy doing the exercises as a kind of game, and lots of laughter and giggles should ensue. The only props needed are the book and a mirror. This should be a really helpful tool if used often. Available from Amazon, from bookshops, or from the publisher at
Age: 2+