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Stacy's choice ISBN: 9780590558044
Martin, Ann M.
Published by Hippo (Babysitters Club series), 1995
As this is number 58 in the Babysitters Club series, one would have thought the various members of the Club and their families would have been introduced. Evidently not. The first 25 pages are a turgid exercise in description, but if one can get beyond this and accept the 'cast of thousands', the nitty-gritty of the story is Stacy's balancing act between her divorced parents. Should she go to the dinner in New York for her recently promoted dad, or stay in Stoneybrook with mum who has pheumonia? The dilemma is real enough, but Stacy's careful plans to cope with both situations don't work at all well. Her mum tells her she can't be 'everything to everyone', and she agrees. Stacy also has diabetes; while not a lot is made of this, she does discuss her diet and having to inject herself. The style is chatty, and the relationships between the youngsters are believable. The girls in the Babysitter Club are older teenagers, but as this is not a mature read, the style will suit much younger children. The story of Stacy's parents' divorce will be found in 'Welcome back, Stacy' (Hippo, 1992, ISBN 0590550330).
Age: 10+