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The cat mummy ISBN: 9780440864165
Sharratt, Nick and Wilson, Jacqueline
Published by Corgi Yearling, 2002
Verity's cat Mabel is very old. She was her mum's cat, and her mum died when Verity was born. Mabel sleeps lots and has recently tended to be sick. Gran and grandad and dad are all reassuring, but when Mabel disappears, Verity is terrified. Her mum's death has never been talked about in the family - it makes them all to sad - and Verity has been in the habit of talking to Mabel about her. When Mabel disappears, Verity has just been cross with her about being sick, so guilt is a problem too. Her reaction almost seems over-the-top until one realises that mum's death and Mabel's inevitable one are mixed in Verity's mind. When she finds Mabel dead in her wardrobe, she is frantic at the thought of burying her, and having learned at school about Egyptian mummies, she cuts strips from a sheet and mummifies Mabel - with the inevitable result. The awful smell gives the game away, and her loving family cope with the grim results. An understanding teacher also helps, and there are hints at the end that dad and Miss Smith may get together. It is her idea that Verity and her dad make two picture books, one about her mum and one about Mabel. The story is not long, and Sharratt's black and white drawings are numerous. As always, Wilson gets to the heart of human feelings.
Age: 9+