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Some Sunny Day ISBN: 9780008422370
Baron, Adam
Published by HarperCollins Publishers, 2022
This novel, that stars Cymbeline Igloo, a lovable lad who always gets himself into trouble - and then out of it again - is set during the worst of the Covid 19 lockdowns, and Cym is bored, bored, bored at home. He can't play football, he misses his best friend Lance, and worst of all, his Mum has developed an obsession with staying two metres away from anyone they meet. School happens over the Internet, and his beloved dinner lady, Mrs Stebbings is soon in hospital with Covid. He well understands how important this is and is very worried for her. His teacher, Mr Ashe, soon has the class doing a project on World War II, and Cym decides to do his about the street that Mrs Stebbins and her husband lived on during the war in the hopes that this will cheer her up. The complications of this story start here and turn into a mystery that Cym becomes heavily involved in. Who are the two sisters living rough in the woods hear his home? And who is Semira, a new girl in his class whom he knows nothing about. When the four kids finally come together, he discovers they are all refugees, but in different circumstances and from different countries. How the two sisters living in the woods get rescued in a - literal - explosion and have the help they need to be able to stay in Britain, forms the climax of this original and moving story. It is also very funny, and Cym, who cares about everyone, gets through it all with flying colours. Mrs Stebbins doesn't die, but someone else does, someone equally important to him, and he must cope with this too. A 'meaty' story with lots about Covid and how it has affected people, it also presents us with a memorable and dauntless hero.
Age: 9+