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Mum's Jumper ISBN: 9781911496137
Perkin, Jade
Published by Book Island, 2019
Mum is in hospital, but when the phone rings one morning, it is to tell the little girl and her dad that Mum ‘has gone’. Gone where, the little girl wants to know. But soon it is all to clear that she had died. There is a funeral with lots of mum’s favourite daffodils and her friends all talk about her and how sad they are. The little girl hears someone say, ‘her poor little girl’. She begins to feel there is a black shadow following her about and she feels floaty and achey – like she’s ‘been swimming for days’. Dad explains this is grief and is normal for them both. School is strange. In spite of the kindness of the other children and the staff, she’s still ‘alone’. She and Dad begin to go through Mum’s things, and she finds a red pullover, much to big for her, but she puts it on, and thereafter wears it because it smells of Mum. In time, Dad needs to wash the jumper and in a good metaphor, he explains that ‘grief is like mum’s jumper. The jumper stays the same size, but (the little girl) will eventually grow into it.’ Her world will enlarge and she with it, and while she will be happy to keep the jumper in a drawer, she will ‘like to know it’s there’. A beautiful book, supported by Cruse Bereavement Care and Let’s Talk About Loss. The huge sensitivity of both picture and text will provide comfort and support at a crucial time.
Age: 5+