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Happy, Healthy Minds ISBN: 9781912891191
Stewart, Lizzy No author listed; artist
Published by The School of Life, 2020
This long (170pp) detailed book with lots of splendid coloured illustrations is rather like an encyclopaedia of how to keep your mind healthy. Sections on subjects such as bullying, using screens and the dangers involved, anger, problems with parents, confidence, school, friends, anxiety, being a grown-up and becoming independent mean that the book could be useful for many years – and as it costs £18, the investment could be well worth it. The format is interesting and very clear, and those coloured pictures are really remarkable. Lots and lots of information in a highly readable form will appeal to children of all ages over 8, and while they may feel a bit discouraged by the length of the book in the beginning, they will find it useful for a long time – something to pick up whenever life gets a bit much. There should always be something relevant to the particular problem they are facing. A really useful tool.
Age: 8+