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Can I Tell You About Dyscalculia? ISBN: 9781787750456
Hornigold, Judy and Salerno, Joe
Published by Jessica Kingsley, 2020
With an excellent introduction for adults and a whopping great list of web sites, books and computer supports, this book about the little-understood condition of dyscalculia will make it much better understood. We meet Sam, who tells us about his problems with numbers, mathematics in particular, and that until he was six and in school, no one had really realised the severity of his difficulties. His teacher tested him, and he was later given more extensive tests that gave a definite diagnosis. He explains lots about his problems and his feelings about being teased at school and at home because no one had understood and thought he was ‘thick’. As he is very bright in all other subjects this is not the case. We learn about special tools he uses, his mother helping him in all sorts of imaginative ways, and that he now has special help at school too. Black and white illustrations help the information along, and this whole production will be invaluable to families coping with dyscalculia, as well as for teachers and others working with such children. Available from Amazon, from book shops, and from the publisher:
Age: 7+