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It’s My Body – A Book About Body Privacy ISBN: 9781445161679
Mariani, Mirella and Spilsbury, Louise
Published by Franklin Watts, 2018
The beginning of this brightly coloured information book talks about the body, how wonderful it is, and how we should look after it by eating well, exercising, and getting plenty of sleep. It also tells us we should stop eating when we are full and go to bed when we are tired. There is lots of touching and hugging that feels good, like when mum or dad kisses us goodnight or holds our hand when crossing a road, but there are things that don’t feel good, that are worrying. Sometimes, too, if someone wants to hug you and you don’t like the idea, you must say so, and if someone shoves or hits you, then tell someone, like a teacher, who can stop them. But even more seriously, if someone touches your ‘private parts’, ie the body parts that are ‘covered by underwear’, then this is wrong. The name private parts tells us that they are private, and only people like doctors, who may have to look at yours for a good reason should be allowed to – after asking. There must be no secrets either. ‘Secrets that upset you should always be shared, not kept.’ The book finishes with information about contacting Childline if you need to talk to someone confidentially. This is a gentle approach to the subject of your body and how to keep it safe, and should not be frightening to its young readers. Notes for parents and teachers at the end of the book are helpful, and there is also a list of books to share.
Age: 5+