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Can I Tell You About Nystagmus? ISBN: 9781785925627
Neckles, Nadine and Upadhyay, Vikas
Published by Jessisca Kingsley, 2019
Amber, aged 7, has Nystagmus and wants to tell us all about it. She says her eyes ‘jiggle’ all the time, and that she has had the condition from birth. There is another condition of the same sort called Acquired Nystagmus, which can happen to adults, but our book doesn’t cover that kind. Amber needs some help at school, because her eyes don’t work like others. She needs to sit very close to the front, use her own book or computer when working, and must have regular breaks because she can get tired and stressed otherwise. She also uses the TV at home up very close. She loves dancing because it is something she can do happily on her own; ball games or group games of any sort are difficult because of her sight. We learn a lot about Amber, including the fact that her Nystagmus is caused because of a genetic condition, chromosome 18q-, and that it can be caused for various other reasons. She gets lots of help both at school and at home, and looks forward to being able to do whatever she wants one day. The book has good black and white illustrations, and will be invaluable for schools as well as for families who are dealing with a child with the condition. An Introduction to Nystagmus for adults, a list of famous people who have it, a glossary of terms, associated conditions, an excellent check list for parents and teachers, further reading, websites, and organisations will do much to taking the mystery out of this unusual condition. Available from Amazon, from book shops, and from the publisher:
Age: 7+