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What Does the Crocodile Say? ISBN: 9781911496113
Montanari, Eva
Published by Book Island, 2018
This original picture book is all about the ordinary noises that a child hears all the time, but it is also about facing the first time at nursery. The little crocodile hears the alarm go off, hears water splashing, zips zipping, breakfast munching and begins to be a little suspicious when the ‘car goes vroom vroom’ and ‘the elephant says peekaboo.’ The elephant is the little crocodile’s new nursery teacher, and it is soon apparent that the room full of other small animals, all making their own noises, is not little crocodile’s thing at all. He clings to mum and says ‘wwwwaah, wwwwaah’. Mum is firm but not without a single tear as she leaves, and soon little crocodile is in the thick of it with elephant taking him on her lap in the beginning; then there are stories to hear read, instruments to play, food to eat, naps to take and bubbles to blow all with their own particular noises. When mum finally peeks around the door, the final sound is of their many kisses. A charming book full of crayon drawings that will appeal because of all the noises but also because the child is subtly drawn towards the experience of nursery. Huge fun!
Age: 3