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I Miss My Pet (First Look at) ISBN: 9780750269797
Harker, Lesley and Thomas, Pat
Published by Wayland, 2012
This sensitive information book is much enhanced by the super illustrations. We meet several families along with their pets, and we see clearly the sadness involved when that pet dies. 'Each pet is a special friend that brings us happiness every day.' And that means that when the pet is no longer there - a part of the family whom you see every day - everyone is unhappy for a time. The point is made that while death is forever, your sadness will not be, and there are lots of things you can do to remember the happy times. The reasons why pets die is explained, as is the fact that we often feel angry or confused. Talking about our feelings helps, and so do little ceremonies like making scrapbooks or writing poems or perhaps sending candles down a stream as one family does in the book. A page at the back explains to parents how to use the book and how to be honest with children about what is happening to the well-loved family member. This will be a treasure to families facing the crisis of losing a pet and will provide lots of talking points.
Age: 4+