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Homelessness (Talk About) ISBN: 9780750249348
Stearman, Kaye
Published by Wayland, 2008
Four different types of homelessness are explained: roofless (those sleeping on the street), homeless (those living in temporary shelters, B & Bs etc.), the hidden homeless ( those who stay with friends or relatives) and the homeless at home (overcrowded or bad housing). This makes attempts at statistics very difficult. In a global approach, we learn about homelessness over the world, what causes it, who is most likely to become homeless and why. A chapter on children and homelessness highlights the risks that children face on the streets, as well as the problems that arise from sub-standard housing. ' Addiction and Homelessness' covers the obvious. Health (including mental health) and the difficulties of keeping clean are covered, as well as the problems of getting and keeping a job when one is homeless. We learn something about benefits, busking, begging and selling 'The Big Issue.' Solutions to the homeless problem include: more affordable homes, charities that provide food and hostels and help to overcome problems, and campaigning for better solutions for the homeless. Case studies, fact boxes and 'Talk About' discussion points, as well as an index, a glossary and a list of websites make this very useful for schools.
Age: 10+