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Where's Jamela ISBN: 9781845071066
Daly, Niki
Published by Frances Lincoln, 2004
Jamela likes living in her old home, but when mama gets a new job and a new place to live, they must move. Gogo (grandmother) is to go along too. Jamela really isn't pleased. She likes the street sounds, their squeaky front gate, and all their well-loved neighbours. She tries to help, but when she breaks the family teapot, she's sent to pack her own things in a big box. Last of all, she packs herself - and falls asleep. There is mayhem when she is discovered missing after all the boxes are put onto Greasy Hands truck, but she soon wakes up and pops out. There is a noisy street party as the family leaves. Gogo plays her piano perched on the truck and everyone sings a goodbye song. Jamela finds a squeaky gate at the new house, as well as the same star from her bedroom window, and she is soon settling in. All the colour, liveliness and neighbourliness of the South African townships are in the Jamela stories. Quite superb.
Age: 3+